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12/5 Norfolk Regiment, possibly Edmund Road Drill Hallp00223

2/5 Norfolk Regiment, possibly Edmund Road Drill Hall

2Soldiers childrenp00224

Soldiers children

3Artillery field gun, probably Sheffield Tank Week, Fitzalan Squarep00230

Artillery field gun, probably Sheffield Tank Week, Fitzalan Square

4Christmas 1916 for the Royal Engineers, Hut c5, Redmires Camp, Redmires Road p00241

Christmas 1916 for the Royal Engineers, Hut c5, Redmires Camp, Redmires Road

5YMCA huts, Redmires Camp, Redmires Road p00242

YMCA huts, Redmires Camp, Redmires Road

6Royal Engineers, Hut c5, Redmires Camp, Redmires Roadp00247

Royal Engineers, Hut c5, Redmires Camp, Redmires Road

7Rev. Frank Yates holding a war memorial service [?at the Midland Station]p00248

Rev. Frank Yates holding a war memorial service [?at the Midland Station]

8Convalescing World War One soldiers at unidentified hospitalp00319

Convalescing World War One soldiers at unidentified hospital

9Convalescing World War One soldiers at unidentified hospitalp00320

Convalescing World War One soldiers at unidentified hospital

10Unidentified group of soldiers [possibly York and Lancaster Regiment]v05065

Unidentified group of soldiers [possibly York and Lancaster Regiment]

Found 4856 records.

Page of 486.