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1Private Frank Trickett Holden, Royal West Kent Regiment, killedy10188

Private Frank Trickett Holden, Royal West Kent Regiment, killed

2Private H. Davis, East Yorkshire Regiment, Pearl Street, Sheffield, killedy10189

Private H. Davis, East Yorkshire Regiment, Pearl Street, Sheffield, killed

3Driver J. E. Jones, Royal Field Artillery, 229 Carlisle Street East, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal for devotion to duty under heavy shell firey10190

Driver J. E. Jones, Royal Field Artillery, 229 Carlisle Street East, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal for devotion to duty under heavy shell fire

4Corp. Percy Pinder, Royal Engineers, son of Sergeant Major W. Pinder, Walkley, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medaly10191

Corp. Percy Pinder, Royal Engineers, son of Sergeant Major W. Pinder, Walkley, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal

5Lance Corporal A. V. (Bert) Harris, York and Lancaster Regiment, Bramber Street, Sheffield, killedy10192

Lance Corporal A. V. (Bert) Harris, York and Lancaster Regiment, Bramber Street, Sheffield, killed

6Private F. E. Harris, Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, Bramber Street, Sheffield, severely woundedy10193

Private F. E. Harris, Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, Bramber Street, Sheffield, severely wounded

7York and Lancaster Regiment First World War soldiers (possibly all from the Hallamshire Battalion) outside an army hut in an unknown locationarc02449

York and Lancaster Regiment First World War soldiers (possibly all from the Hallamshire Battalion) outside an army hut in an unknown location

8First World War soldiers (each from different regiments)arc02450

First World War soldiers (each from different regiments)

9First World War soldier, presumably Private Albert Mottram of Sheffield (1893 - 1917)arc02451

First World War soldier, presumably Private Albert Mottram of Sheffield (1893 - 1917)

10First World War soldier signed 'Alan'arc02452

First World War soldier signed 'Alan'

Found 4873 records.

Page of 488.