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1Memorial plaque 'Planted by members of the 2/3 West Riding Field Ambulance Old Comrades Association in memory of their fallen comrades' a00963

Memorial plaque 'Planted by members of the 2/3 West Riding Field Ambulance Old Comrades Association in memory of their fallen comrades'

2Memorial to the dead of World War One, City Road Cemeterya01015

Memorial to the dead of World War One, City Road Cemetery

3Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemeterya01031

Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemetery

4Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemeterya01033

Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemetery

5Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemeterya01034

Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemetery

6Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemeterya01035

Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemetery

7Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemeterya01036

Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemetery

8Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemeterya01037

Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemetery

9Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemeterya01038

Detail on Belgian War Memorial, City Road Cemetery

10Grave of Private C. H. Raynor, York and Lancaster Regiment, 30 Apr 1916, City Road Cemeterya01041

Grave of Private C. H. Raynor, York and Lancaster Regiment, 30 Apr 1916, City Road Cemetery

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