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1Snow ploughing, Burbage Moor Road, Burbage Moort03541

Snow ploughing, Burbage Moor Road, Burbage Moor

2Snow ploughing, Burbage Moor Road, Burbage Moort03543

Snow ploughing, Burbage Moor Road, Burbage Moor

3Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc.s46962

Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc.

4Flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.u09032

Flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.

5Flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.u09033

Flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.

6Flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.u09034

Flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.

7Flooding caused by torrential rain at English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.u09035

Flooding caused by torrential rain at English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.

8Flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.u09036

Flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.

9Flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.u09037

Flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.

10Clearing up after flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.u09038

Clearing up after flooding caused by torrential rain outside English Steel Corporation's River Don Works, Brightside Lane.

Found 259 records.

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