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1Snow clearingt03506

Snow clearing

2Snow clearingt03507

Snow clearing

3Snow clearing t03508

Snow clearing

4Snow scene from Harrison Lane, near Fulwood Hall, looking across to the West Carr Cottages, Wesleyan Reform Chapel and School off Mayfield Roadt03511

Snow scene from Harrison Lane, near Fulwood Hall, looking across to the West Carr Cottages, Wesleyan Reform Chapel and School off Mayfield Road

5Snow scene Overdale/ Fulwood Heights, Harrison Lanet03512

Snow scene Overdale/ Fulwood Heights, Harrison Lane

6Alderman Joseph Curtis observing the broken telephone wires by Fulwood Hall, Harrison Lanet03513

Alderman Joseph Curtis observing the broken telephone wires by Fulwood Hall, Harrison Lane

7Snow piled up by the A625 and B6055 road sign at Fox House Innt03517

Snow piled up by the A625 and B6055 road sign at Fox House Inn

8Snow clearing possibly Sheephill Roadt03519

Snow clearing possibly Sheephill Road

9Snow, Roper Hill, Lodge Moort03520

Snow, Roper Hill, Lodge Moor

10Rebuilding work at the junction of Fitzalan Square and High Street on the site of the former Marples Hotel, No. 4 Fitzalan Square showing the White Building (left)y02650

Rebuilding work at the junction of Fitzalan Square and High Street on the site of the former Marples Hotel, No. 4 Fitzalan Square showing the White Building (left)

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