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1King Street in the snow looking towards Angel Street, 1970sph00523

King Street in the snow looking towards Angel Street, 1970s

2Ecclesall Road in the snow showing (left) No. 635 Woods Markets, 1970sph00524

Ecclesall Road in the snow showing (left) No. 635 Woods Markets, 1970s

3Ecclesall Road in the snow at Hunters Bar, 1970sph00525

Ecclesall Road in the snow at Hunters Bar, 1970s

4Ecclesall Road in the snow showing (left) National petrol station, 1970sph00526

Ecclesall Road in the snow showing (left) National petrol station, 1970s

5National petrol station, Ecclesall Road, 1970sph00527

National petrol station, Ecclesall Road, 1970s

6Snow and traffic congestion, Ecclesall Road, 1970sph00528

Snow and traffic congestion, Ecclesall Road, 1970s

7Snow on The Wicker showing tram No. 489 and Nos. 122, Lewis Goffin, furniture dealer and 126 National Provincial Banks20597

Snow on The Wicker showing tram No. 489 and Nos. 122, Lewis Goffin, furniture dealer and 126 National Provincial Bank

8Leader House, Surrey Streets22383

Leader House, Surrey Street

9Officials observing snow clearingt03502

Officials observing snow clearing

10Snowplough, top of Warminster Roadt03505

Snowplough, top of Warminster Road

Found 259 records.

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