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1Traffic queuing on City Road during snows33806

Traffic queuing on City Road during snow

2Park Hill flats during snows33807

Park Hill flats during snow

3Snow on Brickhouse Lane, Dores33808

Snow on Brickhouse Lane, Dore

4Snow in the Mayfield Valleys33809

Snow in the Mayfield Valley

5Snow on Angel Street and High Street showing Midland Bank (right) and Rackhams, department store (left)s33810

Snow on Angel Street and High Street showing Midland Bank (right) and Rackhams, department store (left)

6Snow on Pinstone Streets33811

Snow on Pinstone Street

7Snow on High Street when buses were removed from the roadss33812

Snow on High Street when buses were removed from the roads

8Snow on Commercial Street and Park Square roundabouts33813

Snow on Commercial Street and Park Square roundabout

9Queue for trains at Dore and Totley railway station, Abbeydale Road South during snow disruptions33814

Queue for trains at Dore and Totley railway station, Abbeydale Road South during snow disruption

10Snow on Sheaf Streets33815

Snow on Sheaf Street

Found 259 records.

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