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1Unidentified groupu12452

Unidentified group

2Sketch by R. Fulcher from an unidentified original paintingov00124

Sketch by R. Fulcher from an unidentified original painting

3Unidentified group [possibly World War One?]u12568

Unidentified group [possibly World War One?]

4Unidentified group of children dancing u12569

Unidentified group of children dancing

5Unidentified groupu12570

Unidentified group

6Probably the wedding of John Herbert Brown (1887 - ) and Bertha Brownt14640

Probably the wedding of John Herbert Brown (1887 - ) and Bertha Brown

7John Brownt14660

John Brown

8Unidentified couplet14667

Unidentified couple

9Unidentified church eventt14673

Unidentified church event

10Unidentified groupt15964

Unidentified group

Found 1187 records.

Page of 119.