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1Remains of Blackburn Meadows Power Stations26909

Remains of Blackburn Meadows Power Station

2Cooling Towers, Blackburn Meadows Power Station with Tinsley Viaduct in the backgrounds26912

Cooling Towers, Blackburn Meadows Power Station with Tinsley Viaduct in the background

3Looking across Meadowhall Coach Park towards cooling towers, Blackburn Meadows Power Station and Tinsley Viaduct s26913

Looking across Meadowhall Coach Park towards cooling towers, Blackburn Meadows Power Station and Tinsley Viaduct

4Cooling Towers, Blackburn Meadows Power Station and Tinsley Viaduct s26914

Cooling Towers, Blackburn Meadows Power Station and Tinsley Viaduct

5M1 Tinsley Viaduct and  former Blackburn Meadows Power Station from Sheffield Roads26918

M1 Tinsley Viaduct and former Blackburn Meadows Power Station from Sheffield Road

6Bridge over the River Don between Meadowhall South junction and Meaowhall Interchange with Tinsley Viaduct and Blackburn Meadows Cooling Towers on leftt02171

Bridge over the River Don between Meadowhall South junction and Meaowhall Interchange with Tinsley Viaduct and Blackburn Meadows Cooling Towers on left

7View of the River Don from the footbridge linking Meadowhall Transport Interchange and Meadowhall Shoppimg Centre looking towards Tinsley Viaduct and the Cooling Towerst02726

View of the River Don from the footbridge linking Meadowhall Transport Interchange and Meadowhall Shoppimg Centre looking towards Tinsley Viaduct and the Cooling Towers

8View from Tinsley Bridge of the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation, Tinsley/ Meadowhall South Supertram Stop, Tinsley Viaduct and Cooling Towerst02727

View from Tinsley Bridge of the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation, Tinsley/ Meadowhall South Supertram Stop, Tinsley Viaduct and Cooling Towers

9Four ways of travelling - Road via Tinsley Viaduct, Supertram (rails extreme left), Rail and Canal via Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation with the Pump House (right)t02781

Four ways of travelling - Road via Tinsley Viaduct, Supertram (rails extreme left), Rail and Canal via Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation with the Pump House (right)

10Four ways of travelling - Road via Tinsley Viaduct, Supertram (rails under construction extreme left), Rail and Canal via Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation with the Pump House (right) taken from Tinsley Bridge, Sheffield Roadt02815

Four ways of travelling - Road via Tinsley Viaduct, Supertram (rails under construction extreme left), Rail and Canal via Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation with the Pump House (right) taken from Tinsley Bridge, Sheffield Road

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