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1View from under Tinsley Viaduct with the base of one of the Cooling Towers to the leftc02619

View from under Tinsley Viaduct with the base of one of the Cooling Towers to the left

2View from under Tinsley Viaduct with the base of the Cooling Towers in the backgroundc02620

View from under Tinsley Viaduct with the base of the Cooling Towers in the background

3View from beneath one of the Cooling Towers at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Stationt01431

View from beneath one of the Cooling Towers at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Station

4Interior of one of the Cooling Towers at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Stationt01432

Interior of one of the Cooling Towers at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Station

5Top of one of the Cooling Towers, at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Stationt01433

Top of one of the Cooling Towers, at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Station

6One of the Cooling Towers at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Stationt01436

One of the Cooling Towers at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Station

7Cooling Towers, from the former Blackburn Meadows Power Station site with M1 Motorway Viaduct in the backgroundt01437

Cooling Towers, from the former Blackburn Meadows Power Station site with M1 Motorway Viaduct in the background

8View from beneath one of the Cooling Towers, at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Stationt01912

View from beneath one of the Cooling Towers, at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Station

9Interior of one of the Cooling Towers, at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Stationt01913

Interior of one of the Cooling Towers, at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Station

10Interior of one of the Cooling Towers, at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Stationt01914

Interior of one of the Cooling Towers, at the former Blackburn Meadows Power Station

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