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1Tinsley Viaduct and Tinsley Towerst10320

Tinsley Viaduct and Tinsley Towers

2M1 motorway Tinsley Viaduct showing (back) Tinsley Towersu11856

M1 motorway Tinsley Viaduct showing (back) Tinsley Towers

3Former Blackburn Meadows power station showing (foreground) Blackburn Meadows sewage workst12649

Former Blackburn Meadows power station showing (foreground) Blackburn Meadows sewage works

4View from Wincobank Hill of the M1 Motorway, Tinsley Viaduct and Blackburn Meadows Power Stationt12665

View from Wincobank Hill of the M1 Motorway, Tinsley Viaduct and Blackburn Meadows Power Station

5Excavation for Tinsley Recreation Ground, Bawtry Roads46623

Excavation for Tinsley Recreation Ground, Bawtry Road

6Excavation for Tinsley Recreation Ground, Bawtry Roads46624

Excavation for Tinsley Recreation Ground, Bawtry Road

7Tinsley Viaduct and the M1 motorway showing (right) the Tinsley Cooling Towers and (left) Osborn Hadfields, (formerly Hadfields Co. Ltd., East Hecla Works), steel founderss46853

Tinsley Viaduct and the M1 motorway showing (right) the Tinsley Cooling Towers and (left) Osborn Hadfields, (formerly Hadfields Co. Ltd., East Hecla Works), steel founders

8Hot air baloon (with motif Hassall Homes) over Attercliffe showing (background) Tinsley cooling towers and (right) British Oxygen Co. Ltd., Broughton Lane, mid 1970sph00085

Hot air baloon (with motif Hassall Homes) over Attercliffe showing (background) Tinsley cooling towers and (right) British Oxygen Co. Ltd., Broughton Lane, mid 1970s

9Blackburn Meadows Power Station and cooling towers, mid 1970sph00082

Blackburn Meadows Power Station and cooling towers, mid 1970s

10Blackburn Meadows Power Station showing (left) Tinsley cooling towers and (centre) Tinsley Viaduct and Hadfields Ltd., steel manufacturers, mid 1970sph00084

Blackburn Meadows Power Station showing (left) Tinsley cooling towers and (centre) Tinsley Viaduct and Hadfields Ltd., steel manufacturers, mid 1970s

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