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1Stocksbridge (Outokumpu) Steelworks - final meltarc02869

Stocksbridge (Outokumpu) Steelworks - final melt

2Stocksbridge (Outokumpu) Steelworks - final meltarc02868

Stocksbridge (Outokumpu) Steelworks - final melt

3Stocksbridge (Outokumpu) Steelworks - final meltarc02867

Stocksbridge (Outokumpu) Steelworks - final melt

4Archaeological dig at Exchange Riverside, Nursery Street, showing remains of early cementation furnacest02248

Archaeological dig at Exchange Riverside, Nursery Street, showing remains of early cementation furnaces

5Wilson and Murray, surface grinding, Wharncliffe Works, Green Lane, former premises of John Lucas and Sons Ltd., iron merchantsv02632

Wilson and Murray, surface grinding, Wharncliffe Works, Green Lane, former premises of John Lucas and Sons Ltd., iron merchants

6Wilson and Murray, surface grinding, Wharncliffe Works, Green Lane, former premises of John Lucas and Sons Ltd., iron merchants at the junction of Cornish Streetv02633

Wilson and Murray, surface grinding, Wharncliffe Works, Green Lane, former premises of John Lucas and Sons Ltd., iron merchants at the junction of Cornish Street

7Hollteck Co. (Uk) Ltd., Foundry Division, Spartan Works, Malinda Street, Netherthorpev02715

Hollteck Co. (Uk) Ltd., Foundry Division, Spartan Works, Malinda Street, Netherthorpe

8Entrance to Clarence Works, Burton Street occupied by George Edward Hoyland, iron and steel merchant between 1887-1905v03104

Entrance to Clarence Works, Burton Street occupied by George Edward Hoyland, iron and steel merchant between 1887-1905

9The Chimney House, meeting and conference venue, No. 4 Kelham Island (former Russell Works)c04189

The Chimney House, meeting and conference venue, No. 4 Kelham Island (former Russell Works)

10John Bedford and Sons, Lion Works, Mowbray Street, from Ball Streetc04253

John Bedford and Sons, Lion Works, Mowbray Street, from Ball Street

Found 3316 records.

Page of 332.