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1Advertisement for Sanderson Brothers and Co., steel manufacturers, Attercliffe and Darnall Steel Worksy11902

Advertisement for Sanderson Brothers and Co., steel manufacturers, Attercliffe and Darnall Steel Works

2Advertisement for Thomas Jowitt and Sons, files, rasp and engineers tools manufacturer, Scotia Steel Works, Green Lane, Netherthorpe y11903

Advertisement for Thomas Jowitt and Sons, files, rasp and engineers tools manufacturer, Scotia Steel Works, Green Lane, Netherthorpe

3Advertisement for William Jessop and Sons Ltd., Brightside Works, Brightside Laney11904

Advertisement for William Jessop and Sons Ltd., Brightside Works, Brightside Lane

4Advertisement for Turton Brothers and Matthews, coiled spring manufacturers, Steel, File and Spring Works, Burton Road, Neepsendy11905

Advertisement for Turton Brothers and Matthews, coiled spring manufacturers, Steel, File and Spring Works, Burton Road, Neepsend

5Advertisement for James Howarth and Sons, edge tool manufacturers, Broomspring Works, Bath Streety11906

Advertisement for James Howarth and Sons, edge tool manufacturers, Broomspring Works, Bath Street

6Advertisement for George Carr, general contractor / furnace builder, No.65 Carlisle Street East, Grimesthorpey11908

Advertisement for George Carr, general contractor / furnace builder, No.65 Carlisle Street East, Grimesthorpe

7Advertisement for William Spencer and Son, files and rasps manufacturer, Kingston Steel Works, Malinda Street, Netherthorpe y11910

Advertisement for William Spencer and Son, files and rasps manufacturer, Kingston Steel Works, Malinda Street, Netherthorpe

8Advertisement for W[illiam] Cooke and Co. Ltd., iron and steel manufacturers, The Tinsley Steel, Iron and Wire Rope Works, Washford Road / Attercliffe Roady11911

Advertisement for W[illiam] Cooke and Co. Ltd., iron and steel manufacturers, The Tinsley Steel, Iron and Wire Rope Works, Washford Road / Attercliffe Road

9Advertisement for R. and J. Smith Bros. Ltd., iron merchants and metal agents, Castle Hilly11912

Advertisement for R. and J. Smith Bros. Ltd., iron merchants and metal agents, Castle Hill

10Advertisement for Kittel, Wilisch and Co., steel manufacturers, Nos. 41 - 43 Arundel Streety11913

Advertisement for Kittel, Wilisch and Co., steel manufacturers, Nos. 41 - 43 Arundel Street

Found 3612 records.

Page of 362.