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1Fred M. Osborn (1874 - 1950), steel manufacturers08350

Fred M. Osborn (1874 - 1950), steel manufacturer

2Fred M. Osborn (1874 - 1950), steel manufacturers08351

Fred M. Osborn (1874 - 1950), steel manufacturer

3William Edgar Allen (1837 - 1915), industrialist, founder of the firm Edgar Allen and Co. Ltd.s08646

William Edgar Allen (1837 - 1915), industrialist, founder of the firm Edgar Allen and Co. Ltd.

4Joseph Gillott (1851- 1939)s08647

Joseph Gillott (1851- 1939)

5George Ethelbert Wolstenholme (1875-1940), Manager, Thomas Firth and Sons Ltd.s08849

George Ethelbert Wolstenholme (1875-1940), Manager, Thomas Firth and Sons Ltd.

6Group from No. 1 Hammer, Bessemer Workss09074

Group from No. 1 Hammer, Bessemer Works

7Employees, Howell and Co. Ltd., Brook Steel Workss09121

Employees, Howell and Co. Ltd., Brook Steel Works

8Metal teemers, Wortley Forges09135

Metal teemers, Wortley Forge

9Workmen from George Oxley and Sons Ltd., ingot mould makers, engineers and ironfounders, Vulcan Foundry, Attercliffe Roads09205

Workmen from George Oxley and Sons Ltd., ingot mould makers, engineers and ironfounders, Vulcan Foundry, Attercliffe Road

10Carving of workmen in Weston Park Museum by W.F. Torys09494

Carving of workmen in Weston Park Museum by W.F. Tory

Found 3316 records.

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