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1Heselwood Ltd., steel stockholders (left), Trent Street, Attercliffec01034

Heselwood Ltd., steel stockholders (left), Trent Street, Attercliffe

2EMR European Recycling Ltd., East Coast Road, Attercliffec01036

EMR European Recycling Ltd., East Coast Road, Attercliffe

3Former premises of John Beardshaw and Son Ltd., steel manufacturers, Norfolk Bridge Works, Warren Street originally built for John Willey and Son Ltd.c01415

Former premises of John Beardshaw and Son Ltd., steel manufacturers, Norfolk Bridge Works, Warren Street originally built for John Willey and Son Ltd.

4A Fig Tree (a legacy of the Steel Industry) near the Bridge Inn on the banks of the River Don, Meadowhall Roadc01764

A Fig Tree (a legacy of the Steel Industry) near the Bridge Inn on the banks of the River Don, Meadowhall Road

5A Fig Tree (a legacy of the Steel Industry) near the Bridge Inn on the banks of the River Don, Meadowhall Roadc01765

A Fig Tree (a legacy of the Steel Industry) near the Bridge Inn on the banks of the River Don, Meadowhall Road

6Cyclops Works, Carlisle Street former premises of British Steel Corporation Ltd. originally Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd. later Cammell Laird and Co. Ltd. also English Steel Corporationc01807

Cyclops Works, Carlisle Street former premises of British Steel Corporation Ltd. originally Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd. later Cammell Laird and Co. Ltd. also English Steel Corporation

7Cyclops Works, Carlisle Street former premises of British Steel Corporation Ltd. originally Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd. later Cammell Laird and Co. Ltd. also English Steel Corporationc01808

Cyclops Works, Carlisle Street former premises of British Steel Corporation Ltd. originally Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd. later Cammell Laird and Co. Ltd. also English Steel Corporation

8Miba Tyzack Ltd., (formerly W.A. Tyzack and Sons Co. Ltd.), Horsemans Works (right), Green Lane looking towards the Brooklyn Worksc01934

Miba Tyzack Ltd., (formerly W.A. Tyzack and Sons Co. Ltd.), Horsemans Works (right), Green Lane looking towards the Brooklyn Works

9Stocksbridge (Outokumpu) Steelworks - final melt - RIParc02891

Stocksbridge (Outokumpu) Steelworks - final melt - RIP

10Stocksbridge (Outokumpu) Steelworks - final melt - RIParc02890

Stocksbridge (Outokumpu) Steelworks - final melt - RIP

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