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1Thorp Close, Highfields30934

Thorp Close, Highfield

2Baron Street, St Marys looking towards Sheffield United FC grounds34958

Baron Street, St Marys looking towards Sheffield United FC ground

3Cherry Street entrance and South Stand, Bramall Lane football groundu10706

Cherry Street entrance and South Stand, Bramall Lane football ground

4View of Highfield and St.Marys showing (bottom) Queens Road; (centre) Bramall Lane football ground; and, (centre right) St. Mary's Gate and St. Mary's Roads44089

View of Highfield and St.Marys showing (bottom) Queens Road; (centre) Bramall Lane football ground; and, (centre right) St. Mary's Gate and St. Mary's Road

5Sheffield United Football Teams00132

Sheffield United Football Team

6Unstone Street from Denby Street looking towards John Street with Sheffield United Football Club, Bramall Lane Ground in the background s27379

Unstone Street from Denby Street looking towards John Street with Sheffield United Football Club, Bramall Lane Ground in the background

7Football match, Bramall Lane mid 1960'st03206

Football match, Bramall Lane mid 1960's

8Shoreham Street looking towards the junction of Cherry Street and Sheffield United F.C., Bramall Lane Ground (left)with the bill board advertising the next match against Luton Townu04555

Shoreham Street looking towards the junction of Cherry Street and Sheffield United F.C., Bramall Lane Ground (left)with the bill board advertising the next match against Luton Town

9Shoreham Street looking towards the junction of Cherry Street and Sheffield United F.C., Bramall Lane Ground (left) with the bill board advertising the next match against Huddersfield Townu04556

Shoreham Street looking towards the junction of Cherry Street and Sheffield United F.C., Bramall Lane Ground (left) with the bill board advertising the next match against Huddersfield Town

10Ticket for the F.A. Cup-Third Round, Sheffield United v Bolton Wanderers at Bramall Lanev01219

Ticket for the F.A. Cup-Third Round, Sheffield United v Bolton Wanderers at Bramall Lane

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