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1Sheffield United Football Club, 1914p01011

Sheffield United Football Club, 1914

2Sheffield United Football Club, season 1913 - 1914p01012

Sheffield United Football Club, season 1913 - 1914

3Sheffield United Football Club, c. 1915p01013

Sheffield United Football Club, c. 1915

4Sheffield United Football Clubp01014

Sheffield United Football Club

5HenryThickett (1875 - 1920), Sheffield United Football Club (1893 - 1904)p01023

HenryThickett (1875 - 1920), Sheffield United Football Club (1893 - 1904)

6William 'Billy' Gillespie (1891 - 1981), Sheffield United Football Club (1912 - 1933)p01024

William 'Billy' Gillespie (1891 - 1981), Sheffield United Football Club (1912 - 1933)

7W. Foulke (1874-1916), goalkeeper, Sheffield United Football Club (1894 - 1905)p01026

W. Foulke (1874-1916), goalkeeper, Sheffield United Football Club (1894 - 1905)

8Joe Lievesley (1883-1941), goalkeeper, Sheffield United Football Club (1901 - 1913)p01027

Joe Lievesley (1883-1941), goalkeeper, Sheffield United Football Club (1901 - 1913)

9Harry Johnson (1876-1940), Sheffield United Football Club (1895 - 1909)p01028

Harry Johnson (1876-1940), Sheffield United Football Club (1895 - 1909)

10R. E. Evans, Sheffield United F. C. (1908 -1915)p01729

R. E. Evans, Sheffield United F. C. (1908 -1915)

Found 284 records.

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