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1Millhouses and Ecclesall Railway Station, Millhousesw02637

Millhouses and Ecclesall Railway Station, Millhouses

2B1 class 61313 at Sheffield Victoria stations44108

B1 class 61313 at Sheffield Victoria station

3Sheffield Road Bridge, Woodhouse Mill stations44488

Sheffield Road Bridge, Woodhouse Mill station

4Victoria Stations45251

Victoria Station

5Victoria Station, c.1955s45252

Victoria Station, c.1955

6Woodhouse Mill Railway Stations45337

Woodhouse Mill Railway Station

7Millhouses locomotive sheds, c.1955s45338

Millhouses locomotive sheds, c.1955

8E.A.R. and H. (Kenya and Tanganyka) Railways, 4 wheeled low sided wagon built by Cravens Ltd., Acres Hill Lane, Darnall s45935

E.A.R. and H. (Kenya and Tanganyka) Railways, 4 wheeled low sided wagon built by Cravens Ltd., Acres Hill Lane, Darnall

9Nigerian Railways, double deck bogie pig wagon built by Cravens Ltd., Acres Hill Lane, Darnall s45936

Nigerian Railways, double deck bogie pig wagon built by Cravens Ltd., Acres Hill Lane, Darnall

10Nigerian Railways, inspection car A.P. type 52 built by Cravens Ltd., Acres Hill Lane, Darnall s45937

Nigerian Railways, inspection car A.P. type 52 built by Cravens Ltd., Acres Hill Lane, Darnall

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