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1Peacock Hotel, Owler Bar t09737

Peacock Hotel, Owler Bar

2Cumberlands Head Inn, No.35 High Street, Beightont09751

Cumberlands Head Inn, No.35 High Street, Beighton

3Travellers Inn, Thompson Hill, High Green t09761

Travellers Inn, Thompson Hill, High Green

4Middlewood Tavern, No. 316 Middlewood Road North, c.1890t11010

Middlewood Tavern, No. 316 Middlewood Road North, c.1890

5Notice of auction of valuable freehold premises in Holly Street and Holly Lane for saley14529

Notice of auction of valuable freehold premises in Holly Street and Holly Lane for sale

6Hall in the Ponds, earliest mention was in 1582 in an 'inventory of contents' made by George, the Six Earl of Shrewsbury. In 1770, referred to as the former wash-house to Sheffield Manor. Later became the Old Queen's Head Public House., No 40, Pond Hs05462

Hall in the Ponds, earliest mention was in 1582 in an 'inventory of contents' made by George, the Six Earl of Shrewsbury. In 1770, referred to as the former wash-house to Sheffield Manor. Later became the Old Queen's Head Public House., No 40, Pond H

7Chequers Inn, Coalpit Lane (later renamed Cambridge Street in 1857)s06974

Chequers Inn, Coalpit Lane (later renamed Cambridge Street in 1857)

8Receipt from the Tontine Inn, Haymarkets07060

Receipt from the Tontine Inn, Haymarket

9Advertisement for the opening of the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway, Wicker Archess07510

Advertisement for the opening of the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway, Wicker Arches

10Heeley Corn Mill, looking towards London Road including White Lions11585

Heeley Corn Mill, looking towards London Road including White Lion

Found 5497 records.

Page of 550.