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1Old Pinstone Street at junction with Norfolk Street, showing No. 37 Robert Hubbard, wholesale and retail confectioner, Three Horse Shoes public house, No. 92 Norfolk Street, right (with four chimneys). St. Paul's Church in backgrounds00397

Old Pinstone Street at junction with Norfolk Street, showing No. 37 Robert Hubbard, wholesale and retail confectioner, Three Horse Shoes public house, No. 92 Norfolk Street, right (with four chimneys). St. Paul's Church in background

2Pinstone Street from Orchard Street, No. 73 Fargate, T. Baines, hairdresser, left, No. 79 Barker's Pool, Norfolk Hotel (landlord-Henry Darley), right, premises on Pinstone Street include No. 3 Wm Smith, hatter, Nos. 5 - 7 John Richardson, tailors00398

Pinstone Street from Orchard Street, No. 73 Fargate, T. Baines, hairdresser, left, No. 79 Barker's Pool, Norfolk Hotel (landlord-Henry Darley), right, premises on Pinstone Street include No. 3 Wm Smith, hatter, Nos. 5 - 7 John Richardson, tailor

3Market Place, Chapeltown, premises include Wagon and Horses public house, C. Ellis, drapers00462

Market Place, Chapeltown, premises include Wagon and Horses public house, C. Ellis, draper

4Old Red House Hotel, No 35, Fargate. St. Maries RC Church in backgrounds00478

Old Red House Hotel, No 35, Fargate. St. Maries RC Church in background

5Big Tree Hotel, No.842 Chesterfield Road, Woodseats. Originally named the Masons Arms. Renamed the Big Tree due to the large oak tree at the front. Wesley is said to have preached heres00480

Big Tree Hotel, No.842 Chesterfield Road, Woodseats. Originally named the Masons Arms. Renamed the Big Tree due to the large oak tree at the front. Wesley is said to have preached here

6Rising Sun Inn, No. 471, Fulwood Road. Nethergreen School (also known as Ranmoor School), in backgrounds00727

Rising Sun Inn, No. 471, Fulwood Road. Nethergreen School (also known as Ranmoor School), in background

7Shude Lane, left, Shude Lane from junction of Shude Hill and Pond Street, Marsh Brother's Pond Works, right, second building on left was No 2, Golden Lion public house, Right, Shude Lane looking towards Shude Hill from junction with Shemeld Crofts02112

Shude Lane, left, Shude Lane from junction of Shude Hill and Pond Street, Marsh Brother's Pond Works, right, second building on left was No 2, Golden Lion public house, Right, Shude Lane looking towards Shude Hill from junction with Shemeld Croft

8Shude Lane, derelict premises, opposite Ponds Works, building on extreme left was No 2, Golden Lion public houses02113

Shude Lane, derelict premises, opposite Ponds Works, building on extreme left was No 2, Golden Lion public house

9Campo Lane at junction with Hawley Croft, Reuben's Head public house on rights02170

Campo Lane at junction with Hawley Croft, Reuben's Head public house on right

10Campo Lane, junction with Paradise Street, Paradise Inn on corner (later became Campo Chambers), left, Ball Inn in backgrounds02187

Campo Lane, junction with Paradise Street, Paradise Inn on corner (later became Campo Chambers), left, Ball Inn in background

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