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1Cast of Pygmalion and Galatea, (Play by W. S. Gilbert) Shalesmoorp00762

Cast of Pygmalion and Galatea, (Play by W. S. Gilbert) Shalesmoor

2Charabanc outside the Royal Oak Hotel, 53 High Street, Mosboroughp00994

Charabanc outside the Royal Oak Hotel, 53 High Street, Mosborough

3Waggon and Horses public house, No. 236 Gleadless Road, Heeleyp01082

Waggon and Horses public house, No. 236 Gleadless Road, Heeley

4Victoria Hotel Angling Club [Gleadless Road]. Match at Ely, Cambridgeshirep01128

Victoria Hotel Angling Club [Gleadless Road]. Match at Ely, Cambridgeshire

5Travellers' Rest and Southey Hall (right), Southey Hill, Southey Green p01135

Travellers' Rest and Southey Hall (right), Southey Hill, Southey Green

6Charabanc outing outside the Newfield Inn, No. 141 Denmark Roadp01302

Charabanc outing outside the Newfield Inn, No. 141 Denmark Road

7Ball Inn, No. 287 Darnall Roadp01593

Ball Inn, No. 287 Darnall Road

8Horse drawn carriage outside the Bull's Head Inn, No. 396 Fulwood Roadp01665

Horse drawn carriage outside the Bull's Head Inn, No. 396 Fulwood Road

9Bull's Head Inn, No. 396 Fulwood Roadp01666

Bull's Head Inn, No. 396 Fulwood Road

10Ranmoor Inn, No. 330 Fulwood Road showing (right) Ranmoor Roadp01716

Ranmoor Inn, No. 330 Fulwood Road showing (right) Ranmoor Road

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