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1Upperthorpe Road showing (l. to r.) No. 159 former Upperthorpe Hotel and No. 161 Upperthorpe Fish Bara08443

Upperthorpe Road showing (l. to r.) No. 159 former Upperthorpe Hotel and No. 161 Upperthorpe Fish Bar

2Waggon and Horses Hotel, No. 2 Market Place, Chapeltowna08444

Waggon and Horses Hotel, No. 2 Market Place, Chapeltown

3Wellington Inn (formerly Cask and Cutler public house ), No. 1 Henry Street, junction of Infirmary Road, Netherthorpea08450

Wellington Inn (formerly Cask and Cutler public house ), No. 1 Henry Street, junction of Infirmary Road, Netherthorpe

4Wenue 6 public house (formerly the Forum public house), No. 59 Sandstone Roada08451

Wenue 6 public house (formerly the Forum public house), No. 59 Sandstone Road

5Former White Hart Inn (latterly Lulu Mae, bridalwear), No. 18 Langsett Road North, Oughtibridgea08453

Former White Hart Inn (latterly Lulu Mae, bridalwear), No. 18 Langsett Road North, Oughtibridge

6Wisewood Inn, No. 539 Loxley Roada08458

Wisewood Inn, No. 539 Loxley Road

7Former Wyvern public house, No. 379 Leighton Road, Gleadlessa08460

Former Wyvern public house, No. 379 Leighton Road, Gleadless

8Woodseats Police Station, No.699, Chesterfield Road, from outside Tesco Supermarket. The Woodseats Palace, Weatherspoons, oppositea00119

Woodseats Police Station, No.699, Chesterfield Road, from outside Tesco Supermarket. The Woodseats Palace, Weatherspoons, opposite

9Woodseats Police Station, No.699, Chesterfield Road, from outside Tesco Supermarket. The Woodseats Palace, Weatherspoons, oppositea00120

Woodseats Police Station, No.699, Chesterfield Road, from outside Tesco Supermarket. The Woodseats Palace, Weatherspoons, opposite

10The Woodseats Palace public house, Weatherspoons, Chesterfield Roada00122

The Woodseats Palace public house, Weatherspoons, Chesterfield Road

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