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1Council Housing, Park Hill Flatss00680

Council Housing, Park Hill Flats

2Shops and flats in The Pavement, Park Hills00787

Shops and flats in The Pavement, Park Hill

3Setts Market, Exchange Streets01899

Setts Market, Exchange Street

4Aerial view showing Ponds Forge Sports Centre, Park Square and part of Park Hill Flats. Duke Street, centre. Sheaf Street and Commercial Street, top. Pond Street bus station, top lefts22718

Aerial view showing Ponds Forge Sports Centre, Park Square and part of Park Hill Flats. Duke Street, centre. Sheaf Street and Commercial Street, top. Pond Street bus station, top left

5Aerial view of Park Hill Flats. Duke Street, rights22722

Aerial view of Park Hill Flats. Duke Street, right

6Newly refurbished entrance to Sheffield Midland railway station s22877

Newly refurbished entrance to Sheffield Midland railway station

7Park Hill Flatss22883

Park Hill Flats

8Elevated view of Park Hill Flats from the Lyceum Theatres22895

Elevated view of Park Hill Flats from the Lyceum Theatre

9Elevated view of Park Hill Flats from the Lyceum Theatres22896

Elevated view of Park Hill Flats from the Lyceum Theatre

10Resident and children on the Walkway, Park Hill Flats s22898

Resident and children on the Walkway, Park Hill Flats

Found 499 records.

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