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1View from Pond Hill of (top) Park Hill Flats showing Sheaf Street (foreground) and (left) Heriot House and Ponds Forge Sports Centresypte00192

View from Pond Hill of (top) Park Hill Flats showing Sheaf Street (foreground) and (left) Heriot House and Ponds Forge Sports Centre

2Park Hill Flats (top) showing (bottom) railway arches on Sheaf Streetsypte00193

Park Hill Flats (top) showing (bottom) railway arches on Sheaf Street

3Council housing, Park Hill Flatss00647

Council housing, Park Hill Flats

4Council Housing, Park Hill Flatss00648

Council Housing, Park Hill Flats

5Council Housing, Park Hill Flats seen from Hyde Park Flatss00649

Council Housing, Park Hill Flats seen from Hyde Park Flats

6Park Hill Flats and Shops from Duke Streets00653

Park Hill Flats and Shops from Duke Street

7Council Housing, Park Hill Flats and Shops in The Pavement, looking from Duke Streets00654

Council Housing, Park Hill Flats and Shops in The Pavement, looking from Duke Street

8Council Housing, Park Hill Flatss00655

Council Housing, Park Hill Flats

9Council Housing, Park Hill Flatss00656

Council Housing, Park Hill Flats

10Council Housing, Park Hill Flatss00660

Council Housing, Park Hill Flats

Found 499 records.

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