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1Park Hill Flats: Play spaces are provided for children of all ages, with equipment for active recreation as well as sandpits for toddlersy14079

Park Hill Flats: Play spaces are provided for children of all ages, with equipment for active recreation as well as sandpits for toddlers

2Park Hill Flats: Play spaces are provided for children of all ages, with equipment for active recreation as well as sandpits for toddlersy14080

Park Hill Flats: Play spaces are provided for children of all ages, with equipment for active recreation as well as sandpits for toddlers

3Park Hill Flats: Play spaces are provided for children of all ages, with equipment for active recreation as well as sandpits for toddlersy14081

Park Hill Flats: Play spaces are provided for children of all ages, with equipment for active recreation as well as sandpits for toddlers

4Park Hill Flats: The Laundry on the ground floor is equipped with electric washing machines and spin dryersy14082

Park Hill Flats: The Laundry on the ground floor is equipped with electric washing machines and spin dryers

5Park Hill Flats: Park Hill by nighty14083

Park Hill Flats: Park Hill by night

6Park Hill Flats: Park Hill by nighty14084

Park Hill Flats: Park Hill by night

7Park Hill Flats: Darts in the puby14085

Park Hill Flats: Darts in the pub

8Park Hill Flats: In the coffee bary14086

Park Hill Flats: In the coffee bar

9Park Hill Flats: Meeting in the Cluby14087

Park Hill Flats: Meeting in the Club

10Park Hill Flats: Advancing years need not bring the fear of loneliness - Lotto in the Old Folks Cluby14089

Park Hill Flats: Advancing years need not bring the fear of loneliness - Lotto in the Old Folks Club

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