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1Park Hill Flats: Interiors of the dwellings - the private balcony is entered from the kitcheny14058

Park Hill Flats: Interiors of the dwellings - the private balcony is entered from the kitchen

2Park Hill Flats: The private balcony elevationsy14059

Park Hill Flats: The private balcony elevations

3Park Hill Flats: The deck elevations (view from The Pavement)y14060

Park Hill Flats: The deck elevations (view from The Pavement)

4Park Hill Flats: Bridges connect the decks in building blocks so that a complete system of circulation is created around the whole sitey14061

Park Hill Flats: Bridges connect the decks in building blocks so that a complete system of circulation is created around the whole site

5Park Hill Flats: The decks fulfil the function of 'streets' within the building and being free from vehicular traffic they give safe places to play on the same level as the dwellingsy14062

Park Hill Flats: The decks fulfil the function of 'streets' within the building and being free from vehicular traffic they give safe places to play on the same level as the dwellings

6Park Hill Flats: A bridge linking decks between two building blocksy14063

Park Hill Flats: A bridge linking decks between two building blocks

7Park Hill Flats: The decks are places for daily social contacty14064

Park Hill Flats: The decks are places for daily social contact

8Park Hill Flats: 'The dwellings have extensive views over the city'y14065

Park Hill Flats: 'The dwellings have extensive views over the city'

9Park Hill from the new Technical Collegey14066

Park Hill from the new Technical College

10The view from the Hyde Park terracesy14067

The view from the Hyde Park terraces

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