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1South end of Hyde Park Flats, c. 1965s37221

South end of Hyde Park Flats, c. 1965

2Park Hill flats s32950

Park Hill flats

3Park Hill flats - a view along one of the balconiess32951

Park Hill flats - a view along one of the balconies

4Park Hill flats - a view along one of the balconiess32952

Park Hill flats - a view along one of the balconies

5View of the city from Hyde Park flats (foreground) with Park Hill flats (centre), looking towards Heeley s32953

View of the city from Hyde Park flats (foreground) with Park Hill flats (centre), looking towards Heeley

6Park Hill flats s32954

Park Hill flats

7Park Hill flats s32955

Park Hill flats

8Unidentified meeting about Park Hill flats showing (2nd left) Alderman Harold Lamberts44873

Unidentified meeting about Park Hill flats showing (2nd left) Alderman Harold Lambert

9Crucible Theatre, No. 55 Norfolk Street showing (back right) Park Hill flatss46918

Crucible Theatre, No. 55 Norfolk Street showing (back right) Park Hill flats

10Hollteck Co. (UK) Ltd., Foundry Division, Spartan Works, Malinda Street, Netherthorpe s45284

Hollteck Co. (UK) Ltd., Foundry Division, Spartan Works, Malinda Street, Netherthorpe

Found 499 records.

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