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1Park Junior and Infant School, Duke Street formerly Park County School with Park Hill Flats in the backgroundS24612

Park Junior and Infant School, Duke Street formerly Park County School with Park Hill Flats in the background

2Park Junior and Infant School, Duke Street formerly Park County School with Park Hill Flats in the backgrounds24613

Park Junior and Infant School, Duke Street formerly Park County School with Park Hill Flats in the background

3Park Junior and Infant School, Duke Street formerly Park County School with Norwich Row; Long Henry Row; Hague Row and Gilbert Row, Park Hill Flats in the backgroundS24614

Park Junior and Infant School, Duke Street formerly Park County School with Norwich Row; Long Henry Row; Hague Row and Gilbert Row, Park Hill Flats in the background

4Park Hill Flats, South Street, Parks27402

Park Hill Flats, South Street, Park

5Demolition of chimney with Park Hill Flats in the backgrounds27407

Demolition of chimney with Park Hill Flats in the background

6Sheffield Polytechnic Library, Pond Street under construction with Sheaf Valley Baths left and Park Hill Flats in the backgrounds27836

Sheffield Polytechnic Library, Pond Street under construction with Sheaf Valley Baths left and Park Hill Flats in the background

7View from Skye Edge across Park Hill Flats, showing C and A Reed, funeral directors, No. 173, Duke Street; Park Library and Baths (chimney left); Talbot Street Methodist Church (left between blocks of the Flats) looking towards the City Centres28031

View from Skye Edge across Park Hill Flats, showing C and A Reed, funeral directors, No. 173, Duke Street; Park Library and Baths (chimney left); Talbot Street Methodist Church (left between blocks of the Flats) looking towards the City Centre

8View from Skye Edge across Park Brick Works and Blagden Street (left foreground) rear of Hampton Street (foreground) Park Library and Corporation Baths (extreme left) and Park Hill Flats  looking towards the City Centre s28032

View from Skye Edge across Park Brick Works and Blagden Street (left foreground) rear of Hampton Street (foreground) Park Library and Corporation Baths (extreme left) and Park Hill Flats looking towards the City Centre

9View from Skye Edge across Park Brick Works and Blagden Street (left foreground) rear of Hampton Street (foreground) Park Library and Corporation Baths (extreme left) and Park Hill Flats  looking towards the City Centre s28033

View from Skye Edge across Park Brick Works and Blagden Street (left foreground) rear of Hampton Street (foreground) Park Library and Corporation Baths (extreme left) and Park Hill Flats looking towards the City Centre

10Childrens play area with Park Hill Flats in the backgrounds28183

Childrens play area with Park Hill Flats in the background

Found 499 records.

Page of 50.