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1Demolition of premises including Norfolk Picture Palace, Talbot Street, from Duke Street. Talbot Street Methodist Chapel and Park Hill Flats, in backgrounds19872

Demolition of premises including Norfolk Picture Palace, Talbot Street, from Duke Street. Talbot Street Methodist Chapel and Park Hill Flats, in background

2Tudor Way, formerly Arundel Street, looking towards Arundel Gate. Construction of Claywood Cottages, right, Park Hill Flats, lefts20109

Tudor Way, formerly Arundel Street, looking towards Arundel Gate. Construction of Claywood Cottages, right, Park Hill Flats, left

3Broad Street car park showing (centre) Sheaf Street and (back) Park Hill Flatsrb00344

Broad Street car park showing (centre) Sheaf Street and (back) Park Hill Flats

4View of Park Hill Flats taken from the College of Commerce and Technology. Pond Street Bus Station in foregrounds22653

View of Park Hill Flats taken from the College of Commerce and Technology. Pond Street Bus Station in foreground

5View across Sheaf Valley towards Park Hill (southern end). Construction of Sheaf Valley Baths in foregrounds22675

View across Sheaf Valley towards Park Hill (southern end). Construction of Sheaf Valley Baths in foreground

6View across Sheaf Valley towards Park Hill Flats. Works belonging to Joseph Rodgers and Sons, Sheaf Island Works and Pond Street bus station in foregrounds22680

View across Sheaf Valley towards Park Hill Flats. Works belonging to Joseph Rodgers and Sons, Sheaf Island Works and Pond Street bus station in foreground

7Park Hill Flatss22882

Park Hill Flats

8Elevated view of the forecourt, Park Hill Flats s22884

Elevated view of the forecourt, Park Hill Flats

9Elevated view of the forecourt, Park Hill Flats s22885

Elevated view of the forecourt, Park Hill Flats

10Play area, Park Hill Flats s22886

Play area, Park Hill Flats

Found 499 records.

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