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1Site of Sheffield Castle as shown on Ordnance Survey mapy06789

Site of Sheffield Castle as shown on Ordnance Survey map

2Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire 294.7.24 (north west)q00006

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire 294.7.24 (north west)

3Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire 294.7.24 (north east)q00007

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire 294.7.24 (north east)

4Glossop Road Baths and Convent of Notre Dame, No. 2 Cavendish Streetq00002

Glossop Road Baths and Convent of Notre Dame, No. 2 Cavendish Street

5Sheffield Boys Working Home, 82 Broomspring Laneq00003

Sheffield Boys Working Home, 82 Broomspring Lane

6St. Andrew's Presbyterian church and Sunday school, Hanover Streetq00004

St. Andrew's Presbyterian church and Sunday school, Hanover Street

7Drill hall and headquarters of 1st West Yorkshire Engineer Volunteers. Glossop Road (junction with Gell Street)q00005

Drill hall and headquarters of 1st West Yorkshire Engineer Volunteers. Glossop Road (junction with Gell Street)

8Naylor Vickers and Co., Millsands Steelworks, Exchange Brewery, Wicker Tilt, etc., Lady's Bridge on Ordnance Survey mapy06791

Naylor Vickers and Co., Millsands Steelworks, Exchange Brewery, Wicker Tilt, etc., Lady's Bridge on Ordnance Survey map

9Exchange Brewery, Lady's Bridge Bewery, Bridge Inn, Bull and Mouth Public House, Wilker Tilt on Ordnance Survey mapy06790

Exchange Brewery, Lady's Bridge Bewery, Bridge Inn, Bull and Mouth Public House, Wilker Tilt on Ordnance Survey map

10Alexandra Opera House, Smithfield Hotel, Victoria Hotel, Blonk Street on Ordnance Survey mapy06788

Alexandra Opera House, Smithfield Hotel, Victoria Hotel, Blonk Street on Ordnance Survey map

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