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1Cutting the cake on opening night at Sheffield Playhouse, (l to r back row) L. K. Everitt, Playhouse chairman; Sir Stuart Goodwin; C. E. Scott, Chief Constable; F. Pickworth, Master Cutler (1st right back row) Lord Mayor, J.W. Holland JP, s28163

Cutting the cake on opening night at Sheffield Playhouse, (l to r back row) L. K. Everitt, Playhouse chairman; Sir Stuart Goodwin; C. E. Scott, Chief Constable; F. Pickworth, Master Cutler (1st right back row) Lord Mayor, J.W. Holland JP,

2Watching a Fly Past, Battle of Britain Day, R.A.F. Norton, (l. to r.) Master Cutler; A.O.C.; Lord Mayor, J. Curtis; Lady Mayoress and Sally (Isabel) Mummery with G/Cpt. Barbery, Worksop in the foregroundv03318

Watching a Fly Past, Battle of Britain Day, R.A.F. Norton, (l. to r.) Master Cutler; A.O.C.; Lord Mayor, J. Curtis; Lady Mayoress and Sally (Isabel) Mummery with G/Cpt. Barbery, Worksop in the foreground

3Mess Dinner, R.A.F. Norton mid 1950's with the Master Cutler centre; Flt. Lt. Gibb left and Ken A Mummery 2nd rightv03351

Mess Dinner, R.A.F. Norton mid 1950's with the Master Cutler centre; Flt. Lt. Gibb left and Ken A Mummery 2nd right

4R.A.F. Norton mid 1950's with the Master Cutler signing the visitors book and Wing Commander Ken A Mummery leftv03354

R.A.F. Norton mid 1950's with the Master Cutler signing the visitors book and Wing Commander Ken A Mummery left

5Installation of Master Cutler, Robert Laurie Walsh, Cutlers Hally01838

Installation of Master Cutler, Robert Laurie Walsh, Cutlers Hall

6Cutler's Feast (most probably Laurie Walsh the 318th Cutlers' Feast) in the Cutlers' Hall, showing the Master Cutler, the chief guests and members of the Cutlers' Companyy01839

Cutler's Feast (most probably Laurie Walsh the 318th Cutlers' Feast) in the Cutlers' Hall, showing the Master Cutler, the chief guests and members of the Cutlers' Company

7Visit of the Master Cutler and Mistress Cutler, Sir Peter Roberts and Lady Roberts to the City General Hospital (latterly Northern General Hospital), Fir Valeh00144

Visit of the Master Cutler and Mistress Cutler, Sir Peter Roberts and Lady Roberts to the City General Hospital (latterly Northern General Hospital), Fir Vale

8Visit of the Master Cutler and Mistress Cutler, Sir Peter Roberts and Lady Roberts to the City General Hospital (latterly Northern General Hospital), Fir Valeh00145

Visit of the Master Cutler and Mistress Cutler, Sir Peter Roberts and Lady Roberts to the City General Hospital (latterly Northern General Hospital), Fir Vale

9Visit of the Master Cutler and Mistress Cutler, Sir Peter Roberts and Lady Roberts to Ward 16 of the City General Hospital (latterly Northern General Hospital), Fir Valeh00146

Visit of the Master Cutler and Mistress Cutler, Sir Peter Roberts and Lady Roberts to Ward 16 of the City General Hospital (latterly Northern General Hospital), Fir Vale

10Visit of the Master Cutler and Mistress Cutler, Sir Peter Roberts and Lady Roberts to the City General Hospital (latterly Northern General Hospital), Fir Valeh00148

Visit of the Master Cutler and Mistress Cutler, Sir Peter Roberts and Lady Roberts to the City General Hospital (latterly Northern General Hospital), Fir Vale

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