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1Lord Mayor's Parade, Church Street (Junior Chamber of Commerce)s31018

Lord Mayor's Parade, Church Street (Junior Chamber of Commerce)

2Lord Mayor's Parade, High Streets31019

Lord Mayor's Parade, High Street

3Lord Mayor's Parade at junction of High Street, Church Street and Fargates31020

Lord Mayor's Parade at junction of High Street, Church Street and Fargate

4Lord Mayor's Parade, Barkers Pool with Stainless Steel Balls31022

Lord Mayor's Parade, Barkers Pool with Stainless Steel Ball

5Sheffield and District Chamber of Trade trophy for the Lord Mayor's Parade.s31026

Sheffield and District Chamber of Trade trophy for the Lord Mayor's Parade.

6Lord Mayor's Parade, High Street looking down towards the Hole in the Roads31027

Lord Mayor's Parade, High Street looking down towards the Hole in the Road

7Tetley Walker dray wagon, Lord Mayor's Parades31028

Tetley Walker dray wagon, Lord Mayor's Parade

8Tufty Club (road safety) float at Lord Mayor's Parade turning from Pinstone Street into Barkers Pools31029

Tufty Club (road safety) float at Lord Mayor's Parade turning from Pinstone Street into Barkers Pool

9Military band at Lord Mayor's Parade marching past the Peace Gardens, Pinstone Streets31030

Military band at Lord Mayor's Parade marching past the Peace Gardens, Pinstone Street

10Floats 'waiting for the off' at Lord Mayor's Parades31031

Floats 'waiting for the off' at Lord Mayor's Parade

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