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1Lord Mayor's Parade: Northern General Hospital's Cardiac Transplant Unit, The Wickert06519

Lord Mayor's Parade: Northern General Hospital's Cardiac Transplant Unit, The Wicker

2Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show, c. 1980 (Clerical Medical and General Life Assurance Society behind)t06590

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show, c. 1980 (Clerical Medical and General Life Assurance Society behind)

3Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show, c. 1980t06591

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show, c. 1980

4Thomas W. Ward float and staff, Lord Mayor's Show, c. 1980t06600

Thomas W. Ward float and staff, Lord Mayor's Show, c. 1980

5Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show, Charter Row (Grosvenor Hotel behind)t06602

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show, Charter Row (Grosvenor Hotel behind)

6Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Showt06603

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show

7Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Showt06604

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show

8Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Showt06605

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show

9Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show, Charter Squaret06607

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show, Charter Square

10Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Showt06608

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show

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