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1Freedom of the City granted to George Caborn (1916 - 1982) and Professor R. S. Illingworth (1909-1990)s22966

Freedom of the City granted to George Caborn (1916 - 1982) and Professor R. S. Illingworth (1909-1990)

2Councillor Ian Saunders, Lord Mayor, 1994 - 95 with a mural at Waterthorpe Library (later renamed Crystal Peaks) s24502

Councillor Ian Saunders, Lord Mayor, 1994 - 95 with a mural at Waterthorpe Library (later renamed Crystal Peaks)

3World Student Games delegation from Sheffield, on Town Hall steps before going to Zagreb in Yugoslavia.s24750

World Student Games delegation from Sheffield, on Town Hall steps before going to Zagreb in Yugoslavia.

4Boxer, Prince Naseem Hamed and Councillor Ian Saunders, Lord Mayor, 1994 - 95s26544

Boxer, Prince Naseem Hamed and Councillor Ian Saunders, Lord Mayor, 1994 - 95

5Lord Mayor, Councillor Gordon Wragg OBE, JP and Canon Denis McKee at the Memorial Service outside the Cathedral for the loss of life aboard the Type 42 Class Destroyer HMS Sheffield destroyed in action during the Falklands War 1982s28123

Lord Mayor, Councillor Gordon Wragg OBE, JP and Canon Denis McKee at the Memorial Service outside the Cathedral for the loss of life aboard the Type 42 Class Destroyer HMS Sheffield destroyed in action during the Falklands War 1982

6Opening of Stocksbridge Library, Manchester Road. Group includes Lord Mayor, Councillor Bill Owen, Dave Spencer and Councillor David Brownt01805

Opening of Stocksbridge Library, Manchester Road. Group includes Lord Mayor, Councillor Bill Owen, Dave Spencer and Councillor David Brown

7Opening of Stocksbridge Library, Manchester Road. From left to right, Robert Atkins, Councillor Reg Munn, Lord Mayor, Councillor Bill Owen and Dave Spencert01806

Opening of Stocksbridge Library, Manchester Road. From left to right, Robert Atkins, Councillor Reg Munn, Lord Mayor, Councillor Bill Owen and Dave Spencer

8Opening of Stocksbridge Library, Manchester Road. Lord Mayor, Councillor Bill Owen and Dave Spencer.t01807

Opening of Stocksbridge Library, Manchester Road. Lord Mayor, Councillor Bill Owen and Dave Spencer.

9Staff from Sheffield City Museum, Weston Park, on a decorated float for the Lord Mayors Paradet02159

Staff from Sheffield City Museum, Weston Park, on a decorated float for the Lord Mayors Parade

10Staff from Sheffield City Museum, Weston Park, on a decorated float for the Lord Mayors Paradet02160

Staff from Sheffield City Museum, Weston Park, on a decorated float for the Lord Mayors Parade

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