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1Alderman William Johnson Clegg (1827 - 1895), Mayor of Sheffield, 1887-1888,s08432

Alderman William Johnson Clegg (1827 - 1895), Mayor of Sheffield, 1887-1888,

2Alderman William Johnson Clegg (1827 -1895), Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1887 - 1888 s08433

Alderman William Johnson Clegg (1827 -1895), Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1887 - 1888

3Sir Charles Thomas Skelton (1833 - 1913), Kt., Mayor 1894, Deputy-Mayor 1896-97s08458

Sir Charles Thomas Skelton (1833 - 1913), Kt., Mayor 1894, Deputy-Mayor 1896-97

4The Late William Fisher Esq. (d.1880), of Norton Grange, Mayor 1854s08630

The Late William Fisher Esq. (d.1880), of Norton Grange, Mayor 1854

5William Fisher (1780 - 1861), from a portrait in the Cutlers Halls08732

William Fisher (1780 - 1861), from a portrait in the Cutlers Hall

6Portrait of Sir Henry Stephenson (1826 - 1904), Lord Mayor, 1908 - 09 and 1910 - 11s08746

Portrait of Sir Henry Stephenson (1826 - 1904), Lord Mayor, 1908 - 09 and 1910 - 11

7William Fawcett (1807 - 1864) and his family, Mayor of Sheffield 1855.s09041

William Fawcett (1807 - 1864) and his family, Mayor of Sheffield 1855.

8Officials of the 1896 Sheffield Musical Festivals09149

Officials of the 1896 Sheffield Musical Festival

9Jubilee of the Corporation, Mayor Batty Langley and Councillors of Sheffield. To his right his Sir Henry Stephenson, to his left is William Johnson Clegg. For all other names and plan, see keyword MP235Ms12603

Jubilee of the Corporation, Mayor Batty Langley and Councillors of Sheffield. To his right his Sir Henry Stephenson, to his left is William Johnson Clegg. For all other names and plan, see keyword MP235M

10W. A. Matthews, Mayor, 1852 - 1853s22516

W. A. Matthews, Mayor, 1852 - 1853

Found 801 records.

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