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1Colonel Herbert Hughes (d.1917), former Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1905y11042

Colonel Herbert Hughes (d.1917), former Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1905

2Illuminated address given by the members of the City Council in gratitude for Councillor and Mrs Marsh's work as Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress over the previous yeararc02062

Illuminated address given by the members of the City Council in gratitude for Councillor and Mrs Marsh's work as Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress over the previous year

3Illuminated address given by the members of the City Council in gratitude for Councillor and Mrs Marsh's work as Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress over the previous yeararc02063

Illuminated address given by the members of the City Council in gratitude for Councillor and Mrs Marsh's work as Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress over the previous year

4Walter Appleyard (1851- 1930), J.P., director, Johnson and Appleyards Ltd., designers and manufacturers of artistic furniture, and resident of Endcliffe Crescenty08588

Walter Appleyard (1851- 1930), J.P., director, Johnson and Appleyards Ltd., designers and manufacturers of artistic furniture, and resident of Endcliffe Crescent

5City of Sheffield coronation of their majesties King George V and Queen Mary: Sheffield celebrations, June 22nd 1911y11802

City of Sheffield coronation of their majesties King George V and Queen Mary: Sheffield celebrations, June 22nd 1911

6Civic dignitaries, Sheffield [the mayor is either Robert Styring or Herbert Hughes]arc02347

Civic dignitaries, Sheffield [the mayor is either Robert Styring or Herbert Hughes]

7Alderman William Irons (c.1859 - 1933), Lord Mayor 1918 -19 and Lady Mayoress at the Childrens Peace Pageanty13063

Alderman William Irons (c.1859 - 1933), Lord Mayor 1918 -19 and Lady Mayoress at the Childrens Peace Pageant

8Alderman George Senior (1838 - 1915), Lord Mayor, 1901-1902v04838

Alderman George Senior (1838 - 1915), Lord Mayor, 1901-1902

9Councillor John Rutland, Lord Mayor, 1903-1904v04839

Councillor John Rutland, Lord Mayor, 1903-1904

10Councillor Colonel Herbert Hughes, CMG, Lord Mayor, 1905-1906v04840

Councillor Colonel Herbert Hughes, CMG, Lord Mayor, 1905-1906

Found 801 records.

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