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1 William Charles de Meuron Wenworth-Fitzwilliam (1872-1943), 7th Earl Fitzwilliam	s08588

William Charles de Meuron Wenworth-Fitzwilliam (1872-1943), 7th Earl Fitzwilliam

2Alderman William Edwin Clegg (1852-1932), Lord Mayor, 1898 - 99s08607

Alderman William Edwin Clegg (1852-1932), Lord Mayor, 1898 - 99

3Alderman George Senior (1838 - 1915), J.P.s19800

Alderman George Senior (1838 - 1915), J.P.

4Sir Samuel Roberts (1882-1955), Industrialist,  Lord Mayor 1919 M.P. for Ecclesall 1929-1935u05980

Sir Samuel Roberts (1882-1955), Industrialist, Lord Mayor 1919 M.P. for Ecclesall 1929-1935

5John Wycliffe Wilson (1836 - 1921), ex-Lord Mayor, 1902, chairman of the Board of Guardians and inventor of the Sheffield Union, 'Children of the State, Scattered Homes' scheme for dealing with poor childreny01179

John Wycliffe Wilson (1836 - 1921), ex-Lord Mayor, 1902, chairman of the Board of Guardians and inventor of the Sheffield Union, 'Children of the State, Scattered Homes' scheme for dealing with poor children

6Councillor Oliver Charles Wilson (1867 - 1946), Lord Mayor, 1914 - 1915y05031

Councillor Oliver Charles Wilson (1867 - 1946), Lord Mayor, 1914 - 1915

7Mrs Wilson, Lady Mayoress, 1914 - 1915y05032

Mrs Wilson, Lady Mayoress, 1914 - 1915

8Councillor Frederick Arthur Warlow (d.1925), Lord Mayor, 1915 - 1916y05250

Councillor Frederick Arthur Warlow (d.1925), Lord Mayor, 1915 - 1916

9Mrs Frederick Arthur Warlow (d.1934), Lady Mayoress, 1915 - 16y05251

Mrs Frederick Arthur Warlow (d.1934), Lady Mayoress, 1915 - 16

10Alderman George Senior (1838 - 1915), J.P., founder of the firm of George Senior and Sons. Formerly Lord Mayor (1901 - 02) and Master Cutler (1910). One of the most popular men in the city. Died July 4, age 77.y05358

Alderman George Senior (1838 - 1915), J.P., founder of the firm of George Senior and Sons. Formerly Lord Mayor (1901 - 02) and Master Cutler (1910). One of the most popular men in the city. Died July 4, age 77.

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