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1John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: The British Council, party of overseas students,Town Hall, Pinstone Streetarc07089

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: The British Council, party of overseas students,Town Hall, Pinstone Street

2John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Municipal Officer's Guild, Annual Ball, City Hall, Barkers Poolarc07144

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Municipal Officer's Guild, Annual Ball, City Hall, Barkers Pool

3John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: North of England Education Conference, reception and ball, Town Hallarc07149

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: North of England Education Conference, reception and ball, Town Hall

4John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Representatives of the University [of Sheffield], dinner party, Town Hall, Pinstone Streetarc07153

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Representatives of the University [of Sheffield], dinner party, Town Hall, Pinstone Street

5John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit to the Remploy factory at Handswortharc07156

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit to the Remploy factory at Handsworth

6John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Industrial Life Offices, luncheon, Grand Hotel, Leopold Streetarc07164

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Industrial Life Offices, luncheon, Grand Hotel, Leopold Street

7John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Industrial Life Offices, luncheon, Grand Hotel, Leopold Streetarc07165

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Industrial Life Offices, luncheon, Grand Hotel, Leopold Street

8John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Calling on Mr and Mrs Butlin, Grand Hotel, Leopold Streetarc07169

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Calling on Mr and Mrs Butlin, Grand Hotel, Leopold Street

9John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Publicity Club luncheon meeting, Grand Hotel, Leopold Streetarc07189

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Publicity Club luncheon meeting, Grand Hotel, Leopold Street

10John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Institute of Cost and Works Accountants, annual dinner, Grand Hotel, Leopold Streetarc07224

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Institute of Cost and Works Accountants, annual dinner, Grand Hotel, Leopold Street

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