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1John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Kemsley Empire journalists at the Town Hallarc07010

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Kemsley Empire journalists at the Town Hall

2John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: National Hospital Service Reserve, Nursing Exhibition, [Town Hall], Pinstone Streetarc07012

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: National Hospital Service Reserve, Nursing Exhibition, [Town Hall], Pinstone Street

3John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: National Benzole safe driving awards, Grand Hotel, Barkers Poolarc07017

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: National Benzole safe driving awards, Grand Hotel, Barkers Pool

4John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Sheffield Transport safe driving awards, City Hall, Barkers Poolarc07018

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Sheffield Transport safe driving awards, City Hall, Barkers Pool

5John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Yorkshire Adult School Union meeting, Queen Street Congregational [Chapel]arc07019

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Yorkshire Adult School Union meeting, Queen Street Congregational [Chapel]

6John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Council of Churches, Bible exhibition, Victoria Hall, Norfolk Street     arc07091

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Council of Churches, Bible exhibition, Victoria Hall, Norfolk Street

7John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Tree planting ceremony, Graves Parkarc07060

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Tree planting ceremony, Graves Park

8John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Party of Norwegians and American [Military] personnel, Town Hall, Pinstone Streetarc07061

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Party of Norwegians and American [Military] personnel, Town Hall, Pinstone Street

9John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Sheffield Savings Committee Rally, City Hall, Barkers Poolarc07073

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Sheffield Savings Committee Rally, City Hall, Barkers Pool

10John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: St. John's Ambulance Brigade, party, Grand Hotel, Barkers Poolarc07087

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: St. John's Ambulance Brigade, party, Grand Hotel, Barkers Pool

Found 801 records.

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