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1John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit of the Minister of Health [Iain Macleod (1913 - 1970)]arc06957

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit of the Minister of Health [Iain Macleod (1913 - 1970)]

2John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit of the Minister of Health [Iain Macleod (1913 - 1970)]arc06958

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit of the Minister of Health [Iain Macleod (1913 - 1970)]

3John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit of the Minister of Health  [Iain Macleod (1913 - 1970)]arc06959

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit of the Minister of Health [Iain Macleod (1913 - 1970)]

4John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: The Burns Federation, Civic Reception, Town Hallarc06960

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: The Burns Federation, Civic Reception, Town Hall

5John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: The Burns Federation, Civic Reception, Town Hallarc06961

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: The Burns Federation, Civic Reception, Town Hall

6John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Party of Swedish midwives at the Town Hallarc06962

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Party of Swedish midwives at the Town Hall

7John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Party of Swedish midwives at the Town Hallarc06963

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Party of Swedish midwives at the Town Hall

8John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit to Batchelor Peas Ltd., Underhill Lanearc06964

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit to Batchelor Peas Ltd., Underhill Lane

9John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit to Batchelor [and Co. Ltd.] factoryarc06966

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit to Batchelor [and Co. Ltd.] factory

10John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit to Batchelor [and Co. Ltd.] factoryarc06967

John Henry Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1954-1955: Visit to Batchelor [and Co. Ltd.] factory

Found 801 records.

Page of 81.