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1Authors and illustrators at the Sheffield Children's Book Award showing (centre front) Councillor Alan Law, Lord Mayor, 2010 -11a03575

Authors and illustrators at the Sheffield Children's Book Award showing (centre front) Councillor Alan Law, Lord Mayor, 2010 -11

2Authors and illustrators at the Sheffield Children's Book Award, showing (centre) Councillor Sylvia Dunkley, Lord Mayor, 2011 - 12a03576

Authors and illustrators at the Sheffield Children's Book Award, showing (centre) Councillor Sylvia Dunkley, Lord Mayor, 2011 - 12

3Authors at the Sheffield Children's Book Award, showing Lord Mayor, Councillor Vickie Priestley (6th left) and Lord Mayor's Consort, Mr. Priestley (5th left)  a03579

Authors at the Sheffield Children's Book Award, showing Lord Mayor, Councillor Vickie Priestley (6th left) and Lord Mayor's Consort, Mr. Priestley (5th left)

4Authors at the Sheffield Children's Book Award showing Lord Mayor, Councillor Vickie Priestley (5th left) and Lord Mayor's Consort, Mr. Priestley (4th left)  a03580

Authors at the Sheffield Children's Book Award showing Lord Mayor, Councillor Vickie Priestley (5th left) and Lord Mayor's Consort, Mr. Priestley (4th left)

5Authors and illustrators at the Sheffield Children's Book Awarda03581

Authors and illustrators at the Sheffield Children's Book Award

6Authors and illustrators at the Sheffield Children's Book Award showing Lord Mayor, Councillor Talib Hussain (centre)a03582

Authors and illustrators at the Sheffield Children's Book Award showing Lord Mayor, Councillor Talib Hussain (centre)

7Children's author, Lara Williamson (right) and Lord Mayor, Councillor Talib Hussain (left) at the Sheffield Children's Book Award, 2015 showing a03583

Children's author, Lara Williamson (right) and Lord Mayor, Councillor Talib Hussain (left) at the Sheffield Children's Book Award, 2015 showing

8Children's author, Lara Williamson (7th left) and Lord Mayor, Councillor Talib Hussain (6th left) at the Sheffield Children's Book Award, with organising staff from Sheffield Libraries and Information Services a03584

Children's author, Lara Williamson (7th left) and Lord Mayor, Councillor Talib Hussain (6th left) at the Sheffield Children's Book Award, with organising staff from Sheffield Libraries and Information Services

9Winning authors and illustrators at the Sheffield Children's Book Award showing Lord Mayor, Councillor Denise Fox (6th left)a03586

Winning authors and illustrators at the Sheffield Children's Book Award showing Lord Mayor, Councillor Denise Fox (6th left)

10Children's author Lara Williamson (centre) and Lord Mayor, Councillor Talib Hussain (left) at the Sheffield Children's Book Awarda03587

Children's author Lara Williamson (centre) and Lord Mayor, Councillor Talib Hussain (left) at the Sheffield Children's Book Award

Found 801 records.

Page of 81.