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1Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Showt06604

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show

2Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Showt06605

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show

3Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show, Charter Squaret06607

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show, Charter Square

4Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Showt06608

Thomas W. Ward float, Lord Mayor's Show

5Thomas W. Ward staff, Lord Mayor's Show, c. 1980t06609

Thomas W. Ward staff, Lord Mayor's Show, c. 1980

6Alcan Recycling scheme showing (centre) Lord Mayor, Councillor Anthony Damms, early 1990st07613

Alcan Recycling scheme showing (centre) Lord Mayor, Councillor Anthony Damms, early 1990s

7Councillor Peter Horton, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1987 - 1988y07707

Councillor Peter Horton, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1987 - 1988

8Official opening of Crystal Peaks Library (formerly known as Waterthorpe Library) s29843

Official opening of Crystal Peaks Library (formerly known as Waterthorpe Library)

9Reopening of Stocksbridge adult library, Manchester Roads30130

Reopening of Stocksbridge adult library, Manchester Road

10Opening of Patients Library at Weston Park Hospital by Lord Mayor, Councillor Gordon Wragg OBE, JPs30237

Opening of Patients Library at Weston Park Hospital by Lord Mayor, Councillor Gordon Wragg OBE, JP

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