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1Gail Smith, Sheffield Lord Mayor, 2021-2022a06809

Gail Smith, Sheffield Lord Mayor, 2021-2022

2Sioned-Mair Richards, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 2022-2023a07416

Sioned-Mair Richards, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 2022-2023

3Chapeltown Library 30th birthday celebrations  showing (right) Councillor Anne Murphy, Lord Mayor, 2017 - 18a03967

Chapeltown Library 30th birthday celebrations showing (right) Councillor Anne Murphy, Lord Mayor, 2017 - 18

4Opening by The Lord Mayor, David Walton Baker of the 3rd Woodhouse Annual Exhibition at Woodhouse Libraryt03698

Opening by The Lord Mayor, David Walton Baker of the 3rd Woodhouse Annual Exhibition at Woodhouse Library

5Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Parkt03804

Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Park

6Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Parkt03805

Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Park

7Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Parkt03806

Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Park

8Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Parkt03807

Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Park

9Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Parkt03808

Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Park

10Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Park t03809

Boat 2 led by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Jackie Drayton, Dragon Boat Festival, Crookes Valley Park

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