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1Somali Burngreave football teamt08192

Somali Burngreave football team

2Danish football supporters leaving the camp site at Dores42330

Danish football supporters leaving the camp site at Dore

3Parade by Sheffield Hillsborough Eagles FC to celebrate Euro 96s42331

Parade by Sheffield Hillsborough Eagles FC to celebrate Euro 96

4Danish fan during the Euro 96 football tournaments42333

Danish fan during the Euro 96 football tournament

5Danish football supporters enjoying the sun in Orchard Square during Euro 96 football tournaments42334

Danish football supporters enjoying the sun in Orchard Square during Euro 96 football tournament

6Giant, created by the artist, Rob McKellan, parading on Church Street during the Euro 96 football tournaments42336

Giant, created by the artist, Rob McKellan, parading on Church Street during the Euro 96 football tournament

7Parade on High Street during the Euro 96 football tournaments42337

Parade on High Street during the Euro 96 football tournament

8Hillsborough Football Ground (Sheffield Wednesday Football Club)v04737

Hillsborough Football Ground (Sheffield Wednesday Football Club)

9Hillsborough Football Ground (Sheffield Wednesday Football Club)v04738

Hillsborough Football Ground (Sheffield Wednesday Football Club)

10Bramall Lane Football Ground  (Sheffield United Football Club)v04739

Bramall Lane Football Ground (Sheffield United Football Club)

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