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1Sheffield City Wanderers Girls Football team s28308

Sheffield City Wanderers Girls Football team

2Sheffield City Boys under 11 Football team s28307

Sheffield City Boys under 11 Football team

3Sheffield City Boys under 15 Football team s28306

Sheffield City Boys under 15 Football team

4High Storrs School under 16 Football team with the Clegg Shield s28305

High Storrs School under 16 Football team with the Clegg Shield

5Paul Varney, Hallam Football Club Player of the Year with the James Hardie Trophys28564

Paul Varney, Hallam Football Club Player of the Year with the James Hardie Trophy

6Hallam Football Club winners of the Littlewoods Trophys28565

Hallam Football Club winners of the Littlewoods Trophy

7Sheffield Wednesday Boys and Donetsk exchanging pennantss28988

Sheffield Wednesday Boys and Donetsk exchanging pennants

8All Saints R.C. School, Football; Hockey and Netball teamss29165

All Saints R.C. School, Football; Hockey and Netball teams

9Portugal football team training during the European Football Championships (Euro 96)s29167

Portugal football team training during the European Football Championships (Euro 96)

10Banner celebrating the European Football Championships made by pupils of Sir Harold Jackson School, Bradway Drives34744

Banner celebrating the European Football Championships made by pupils of Sir Harold Jackson School, Bradway Drive

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