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1Hadfield's sports football club 1927-28, winners of Raleigh Cup and Intermediate Leagueu00147

Hadfield's sports football club 1927-28, winners of Raleigh Cup and Intermediate League

2Duchess Road School Football Teamu00314

Duchess Road School Football Team

3Dick Kerr Kickers Ladies Team (1917-1965), from the firm called Dick Kerr of St. Helens, at Hillsboroughu00999

Dick Kerr Kickers Ladies Team (1917-1965), from the firm called Dick Kerr of St. Helens, at Hillsborough

4Netherthorpe Boys football Team, George Clayton with the ball.u04208

Netherthorpe Boys football Team, George Clayton with the ball.

5Boys Brigade Shield Winning Football Team, field behind Firth Park United Methodist Chapel off Sicey Avenuev00584

Boys Brigade Shield Winning Football Team, field behind Firth Park United Methodist Chapel off Sicey Avenue

6English Clarion Football Team in Parisv01425

English Clarion Football Team in Paris

7Clarion Football Team on the putting green at the rear of the Clarion Club House, Hathersage Road (just past the Dore Moor Inn)v01426

Clarion Football Team on the putting green at the rear of the Clarion Club House, Hathersage Road (just past the Dore Moor Inn)

8Clarion Football Team on the sports field at Sheffield Clarion Clubhouse, Hathersage Road, just past the Dore Moor Innv01427

Clarion Football Team on the sports field at Sheffield Clarion Clubhouse, Hathersage Road, just past the Dore Moor Inn

9Clarion Football Team, rear of the Sheffield Clarion Club House, Hathersage Road (just past the Dore Moor Inn)v01428

Clarion Football Team, rear of the Sheffield Clarion Club House, Hathersage Road (just past the Dore Moor Inn)

10Ladies vs Gents Football Match at Sheffield Clarion Club House, Hathersage Road, (just past the Dore Moor Inn)v01429

Ladies vs Gents Football Match at Sheffield Clarion Club House, Hathersage Road, (just past the Dore Moor Inn)

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