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1Football World Cup 1966:Transport Department band playing outside the Cathedrals34161

Football World Cup 1966:Transport Department band playing outside the Cathedral

2Football World Cup 1966: The Best of British window display, John Walsh Ltd, High Streets34162

Football World Cup 1966: The Best of British window display, John Walsh Ltd, High Street

3Football World Cup 1966: Presentation of World Cup glass chalices34163

Football World Cup 1966: Presentation of World Cup glass chalice

4Football World Cup 1966: Flags on the Wicker showing Studio 7 Cinema (left)s34164

Football World Cup 1966: Flags on the Wicker showing Studio 7 Cinema (left)

5Football World Cup 1966: Flags at Paulden's tea gardens34165

Football World Cup 1966: Flags at Paulden's tea garden

6Football World Cup 1966: Transport Department band playing outside the Cathedrals34166

Football World Cup 1966: Transport Department band playing outside the Cathedral

7World Cup tickets for quarter final to be played at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough stadium and the final tie to be played at Wembleyy11207

World Cup tickets for quarter final to be played at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough stadium and the final tie to be played at Wembley

8Newhall Junior School soccer team after winning the Sanderson Trophy for the 1960/61 season.a01941

Newhall Junior School soccer team after winning the Sanderson Trophy for the 1960/61 season.

9Flags celebrating the Football World Cup on The Wickerw02594

Flags celebrating the Football World Cup on The Wicker

10Kiosk on High Street during the football World Cup celebrations showing (right) Midland Bank Ltd.w02595

Kiosk on High Street during the football World Cup celebrations showing (right) Midland Bank Ltd.

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