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1Gillott family outside High Bradfield post offices09000

Gillott family outside High Bradfield post office

2Seaside studio portraits09052

Seaside studio portrait

3Woodhouse Chapel Group outside Woodhouse Chapels09088

Woodhouse Chapel Group outside Woodhouse Chapel

4Mrs. Hall, Mistress of Shiregreen Church School, lived on Bellhouse Roads09090

Mrs. Hall, Mistress of Shiregreen Church School, lived on Bellhouse Road

5Congregation from Mount Zion Congregational Chapel, Westfield Terraces09105

Congregation from Mount Zion Congregational Chapel, Westfield Terrace

6Congregation of Mount Zion Congregational Chapel, Westfield Terrace, on an excursions09107

Congregation of Mount Zion Congregational Chapel, Westfield Terrace, on an excursion

7Members of Sharrow Cycling Clubs09152

Members of Sharrow Cycling Club

8Two unidentified ladies in the Rivelin or Loxley Valleys09157

Two unidentified ladies in the Rivelin or Loxley Valley

9Church group at Oughtibridge, flags presented by the Co-operative Wholesale Societys09165

Church group at Oughtibridge, flags presented by the Co-operative Wholesale Society

10Pupils at Low Bradfield Schools09206

Pupils at Low Bradfield School

Found 679 records.

Page of 68.