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1Benjamin Smelter’s purchase of land in long Croft of Sarah Nicholson and Ann Addy, [1826]arc03641

Benjamin Smelter’s purchase of land in long Croft of Sarah Nicholson and Ann Addy, [1826]

2Benjamin Fox’s and Stephen Copleys' lots in Long Croft purchased of Sarah Nicholson and Ann Addy, [1827]arc03642

Benjamin Fox’s and Stephen Copleys' lots in Long Croft purchased of Sarah Nicholson and Ann Addy, [1827]

3A plan of a piece of land agreed to be purchased by Messrs Peace of Thomas Dunn. Land at edge of Kelham Wheel, 1837-1844arc03643

A plan of a piece of land agreed to be purchased by Messrs Peace of Thomas Dunn. Land at edge of Kelham Wheel, 1837-1844

4John Hoyle’s land at Netherthorpe [between Meadow Street and Morpeth Street], [1846]arc03648

John Hoyle’s land at Netherthorpe [between Meadow Street and Morpeth Street], [1846]

5Copied from the plan drawn on the lease John Hoyle to John Crossland and Henry Clarke, [1827]arc03649

Copied from the plan drawn on the lease John Hoyle to John Crossland and Henry Clarke, [1827]

6Bought by Charles Milwardarc03650

Bought by Charles Milward

7Plan of the cutler’s grinding wheel belonging to the late John Vickers at the Town Mill showing also some adjoining property, [1828]arc03657

Plan of the cutler’s grinding wheel belonging to the late John Vickers at the Town Mill showing also some adjoining property, [1828]

8A plan of the same premises purchased of William Vickers by William Hoolearc03658

A plan of the same premises purchased of William Vickers by William Hoole

9Charles Gallimore’s lot [in Milton Lane] in Rowland Hodgson’s land measured for Roger Brownarc03659

Charles Gallimore’s lot [in Milton Lane] in Rowland Hodgson’s land measured for Roger Brown

10Plan of Samuel Frith’s lots in Netherthorpe Street, [1830-1831]arc03663

Plan of Samuel Frith’s lots in Netherthorpe Street, [1830-1831]

Found 893 records.

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