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1View from 15 Harrowden Road, looking at Tinsley Recreation Grounds (bowling greens and tennis courts, and cricket ground).  In the distance, Norborough Roadu02036

View from 15 Harrowden Road, looking at Tinsley Recreation Grounds (bowling greens and tennis courts, and cricket ground). In the distance, Norborough Road

2Montgomery College Term III cricket teamu05721

Montgomery College Term III cricket team

3Transport Department Cricket Team, Howie Shield Winners at Banner Cross Groundv00011

Transport Department Cricket Team, Howie Shield Winners at Banner Cross Ground

4Birley Carr Cricket Comedy, Whit-Tuesdayv00447

Birley Carr Cricket Comedy, Whit-Tuesday

5Cricket Team Photograph, Winners of the Barber Shield, Shiregreen Council Schoolv01760

Cricket Team Photograph, Winners of the Barber Shield, Shiregreen Council School

6Cricket Team Photograph, Winners of the Barber Shield for the first time in the schools history, Shiregreen Council Schoolv01788

Cricket Team Photograph, Winners of the Barber Shield for the first time in the schools history, Shiregreen Council School

7Sheffield Simplex Cricket Clubp01330

Sheffield Simplex Cricket Club

8Edgard Allen cricket teama03619

Edgard Allen cricket team

9Sheffield Wednesday Cricket Clubp01332

Sheffield Wednesday Cricket Club

10Sports time for Sharrow Lane School pupils, Millhouses Parkt13148

Sports time for Sharrow Lane School pupils, Millhouses Park

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